A Sweet Celebration in Wine Country

May 23, 2023

  1. Nancy Hopkins says:

    Beautiful photo – love the black and white with some color photos. Capturing Maddie’s dress to the photo of the couples and some of the guest.
    Since I wasn’t able to attend this event, I thank you and the Musante family for sharing this photos. You story was very sweet and I loved how you mentioned Maddie made sweaters for her and Cody since it was probably going to be cold. She does beautiful work.

    • Kylie Lane says:

      Thank you, Nancy. Their event felt fitting in black and white, but I like the color photos for context of the amazing scenery!
      I love that my photos can help you envision what it was like to attend. Maddy’s handmade sweaters were truly impressive.

  2. Marita Musante says:

    Kylie captured it all as she has done so many times for us in the past…we look forward to what lies ahead xoxox Marita

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